Barack Obama

This speech titled 2012.08.28.671.Fort Collins.CO originally had 4812 tokens. You can view the original text here.

the presid __PUNCT__

hello __PUNCT__ colorado state __PUNCT__ how it go __PUNCT__ ram __PUNCT__ it is good to be back in fort collin __PUNCT__

the last time i wa here __PUNCT__ back in __NUM__ it wa a spectacular dai __PUNCT__

it wa a littl later __PUNCT__ it wa in the fall __PUNCT__ and the leav were turn __PUNCT__ and had a littl nip in the air __PUNCT__ and i want to stai __PUNCT__

but as usual __PUNCT__ thei had someth els schedul __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ so it is wonder to be here __PUNCT__

audienc member __PUNCT__

i love you __PUNCT__ the presid __PUNCT__

i love you back __PUNCT__

i thrill to be here __PUNCT__

i got a coupl of peopl i want to acknowledg __PUNCT__

first of all __PUNCT__ give halei a big round of applaus for the great introduct __PUNCT__

on of the finest governor in the countri __PUNCT__ john hickenloop __PUNCT__

hi outstand lieuten_governor __PUNCT__ joe garcia __PUNCT__

congressman jare poli is here __PUNCT__

and the outstand secretari of the interior and your hometown gui __PUNCT__ ken salazar is in the hous __PUNCT__

so class is back in session __PUNCT__

the rocki mountain showdown is thi saturdai __PUNCT__

and like halei said in her introduct __PUNCT__ we ar give the ram and the buff a second chanc to go at it thi fall __PUNCT__

we set up a rocki mountain rumbl to see which school can regist more voter __PUNCT__

and you gui can get a head_start by regist right here __PUNCT__ right now __PUNCT__

we got volunt all throughout the audienc __PUNCT__

volunt __PUNCT__ rais your hand __PUNCT__ there __PUNCT__

thei got their clipboard readi __PUNCT__

thei ar readi to go __PUNCT__

if you ar not regist __PUNCT__ get regist __PUNCT__

if for some reason these outstand volunt miss you somehow __PUNCT__ then you can also regist onlin at __URL__

now __PUNCT__ i understand thi __PUNCT__ excus me __PUNCT__ english professor __PUNCT__ but thi is __PUNCT__ gotta regist __PUNCT__ thi is g __PUNCT__ o __PUNCT__ t __PUNCT__ t __PUNCT__ a __PUNCT__ regist __PUNCT__

thi is not __PUNCT__ got to regist __PUNCT__ gotta regist __PUNCT__

and we need you gui to get your friend and your classmat and your neighbor to do it as well becaus thi is import __PUNCT__

look __PUNCT__ just over __NUM___month from now __PUNCT__ __NUM___dai __PUNCT__ for the first time in mani of your live __PUNCT__ you get to pick a presid __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ the truth is __PUNCT__ you gui have more at stake in thi elect than anybodi __PUNCT__

when you step into that vote_booth __PUNCT__ the choic you make in that instant will shape thi countri __PUNCT__ the world __PUNCT__ your live for decad to come __PUNCT__

and i know that kind of a heavi idea to lai on you on a tuesdai afternoon __PUNCT__

but it true __PUNCT__

the decis that we make as a countri on the economi and job and tax and educ and energi and war and climat chang and the suprem_court __PUNCT__ these ar all decis that will affect you directli in veri person wai __PUNCT__

and i feel that same sens of urgenc becaus the decis i make ar on that ar go to affect malia and sasha __PUNCT__ my daughter __PUNCT__ for gener to come __PUNCT__

and thi is the wai it alwai been __PUNCT__

on gener mai make_decis __PUNCT__ but thei make them not just on behalf of that gener __PUNCT__ thei make them on behalf of futur_gener __PUNCT__

and the thing is __PUNCT__ colorado state __PUNCT__ your gener can choos the path we take thi countri on __PUNCT__

your vote will decid where we go from here __PUNCT__

we __PUNCT__ and so as you prepar for __DATE__ __PUNCT__ you got to ask yourself some question __PUNCT__ ar we go to make sure that good_job and opportun take root not in china or india or germani __PUNCT__ but here in colorado and all across america so you don't have to leav home to find a good job __PUNCT__ will we reward an honest dai work so that peopl have a chanc to bui a home of their own __PUNCT__ and you have health_care that will be there for you when you get sick __PUNCT__ and you have the chanc to put a littl bit of monei awai for retir and take a vacat onc in a while and __PUNCT__ most importantli __PUNCT__ be abl to give your children a life that even bigger and better than your __PUNCT__ will thi countri make it easier for futur_gener to afford a degre __PUNCT__ pai off student_loan __PUNCT__ ar we go to build more good school and hire more good_teacher so that more kid ar prepar to attend_colleg like colorado state __PUNCT__ will thi countri be on that keep move awai from foreign_oil and toward renew_sourc like wind and solar and biofuel that make our economi and our planet more secur __PUNCT__ ar we go to be a countri that lead not just with the strength of our militari __PUNCT__ but also the power of our diplomaci and the power of our exampl __PUNCT__ will thi be an america where no matter what you look like __PUNCT__ no matter where you come from __PUNCT__ no matter who you love __PUNCT__ no matter what your last name is __PUNCT__ you can pursu your own happi __PUNCT__ you can make it if you try __PUNCT__ that what the last __NUM___year have been about __PUNCT__ fort collin __PUNCT__

that what thi campaign is all about __PUNCT__ and that why i run for a second term as presid of the unit_state of america __PUNCT__

i know that it sometim easi to get a littl cynic about polit __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ campaign seem meaner and smaller __PUNCT__ and washington seem more gridlock than ever __PUNCT__

everi dai there thi steadi_stream of ad __PUNCT__ and it a diet of cynic __PUNCT__ tell you chang is imposs __PUNCT__

you can't make a differ __PUNCT__ you won't be abl to close the gap between life as it is and the life that we imagin for each other __PUNCT__

and frankli __PUNCT__ some on the other side __PUNCT__ thei make thi a polit_strategi __PUNCT__

thei tell you over and over again how bad_thing ar and __PUNCT__ of cours __PUNCT__ how it obama fault __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ and thei tell you that if you believ in chang __NUM___year_ago __PUNCT__ your faith wa misplac __PUNCT__ you naiv __PUNCT__

last week __PUNCT__ my oppon campaign call you the __PUNCT__ lost gener __PUNCT__

audienc member __PUNCT__

boo __PUNCT__ the presid __PUNCT__

and thei hope that by tell you these thing that you get discourag __PUNCT__ and that you stai_home thi time __PUNCT__ becaus thei know that young_peopl came out in record number___NUM__ __NUM___year_ago __PUNCT__

well __PUNCT__ i here to tell you __PUNCT__ don't listen to the cynic __PUNCT__

don't listen to the naysay __PUNCT__

four year ago __PUNCT__ we understood that solv our biggest challeng wa go to take longer than on year or on term or even on presid __PUNCT__

but we went ahead __PUNCT__ and we got start anywai __PUNCT__

and we mai have a lot of work to do __PUNCT__ but we know the path we travel __PUNCT__

we know where we need to get go __PUNCT__ and we know we go to get there __PUNCT__

we understand that thi countri is move_forward __PUNCT__ and i confid we go to get there becaus i believ in you __PUNCT__

i believ in the american_peopl __PUNCT__

i believ that as tough as time ar __PUNCT__ the american peopl ar tougher __PUNCT__

i believ thi gener is full of passion and full of servic __PUNCT__

i seen your gener eager to make a differ __PUNCT__ whether it in a homeless_shelter or work on an environment project __PUNCT__

and you alreadi prove that you can do it __PUNCT__

you prove it __PUNCT__

you prove it __NUM___year_ago __PUNCT__

four year ago __PUNCT__ you believ that we could put a colleg_educ within the reach of everybodi who wa will to work for it __PUNCT__

and becaus of that faith __PUNCT__ we were abl to creat a colleg tax_credit that save famili up to __MONEY__ for colleg_tuition over the cours of __NUM___year __PUNCT__

we fix the student_loan system that wa give billion of dollar of taxpay_monei to bank __PUNCT__

we said let give it directli to student __PUNCT__

and we were abl to doubl grant aid for million of student __PUNCT__

when some on capitol_hill were readi to let feder student_loan rate doubl for __NUM___million student __PUNCT__ we said no __PUNCT__ and you help us __PUNCT__ and we beat that back __PUNCT__

that would not have happen in washington without you __PUNCT__

that what your vote accomplish __PUNCT__

you help million of young_peopl __PUNCT__ mayb includ yourself __PUNCT__ earn a colleg_educ __PUNCT__

you made that happen __PUNCT__

you believ we could us less foreign_oil and reduc the carbon pollut that threaten our planet __PUNCT__

and in just __NUM___year __PUNCT__ we have doubl the gener of clean __PUNCT__ renew_energi like wind and solar __PUNCT__

we develop new fuel standard for our car so that car ar go to get __NUM___mile a gallon next decad __PUNCT__

that will save you monei at the pump __PUNCT__

it will reduc greenhous_ga_emiss by a level roughli equival to a year worth of carbon_emiss from all the car in the world put togeth __PUNCT__

todai __PUNCT__ america is less depend on foreign_oil than ani time in the last __NUM___year __PUNCT__

we on track to emit fewer greenhous_gase thi year than we have in nearli __NUM___year __PUNCT__

you can keep those trend go __PUNCT__

that all happen becaus of you __PUNCT__

you believ that in america __PUNCT__ nobodi should go broke just becaus thei get sick __PUNCT__

and todai __PUNCT__ todai __PUNCT__ becaus of obamacar __PUNCT__ and ye __PUNCT__ i do care __PUNCT__ that why we pass the law __PUNCT__

nearli __NUM___million young_peopl have health_insur becaus thei abl to stai on their parent __PUNCT__ plan __PUNCT__

your grandpar ar save_monei on their prescript_drug __PUNCT__

women have gain_access to free prevent_care like mammogram and contracept __PUNCT__

your vote made that happen __PUNCT__

you made that chang __PUNCT__

it wa young_peopl like you who said we can end thi war in iraq __PUNCT__

and todai __PUNCT__ the war is over __PUNCT__

more troop ar at home with their famili __PUNCT__

thei earn their educ through the post __PUNCT__ 9/11 gi_bill __PUNCT__

thei out there start new __PUNCT__

and nobodi will ever again have to hide who thei love in order to serv the countri that thei love __PUNCT__ becaus we end __PUNCT__ don't ask __PUNCT__ don't tell __PUNCT__ onc and for all __PUNCT__

you made that chang __PUNCT__

you made that happen __PUNCT__

your voic made a differ __PUNCT__

audienc member __PUNCT__

you did __PUNCT__ audienc member __PUNCT__

with your help __PUNCT__ the presid __PUNCT__

i help a littl bit __PUNCT__

but thi chang wa becaus you put in the effort __PUNCT__

you put in the time __PUNCT__

you had confid in america_futur __PUNCT__

so now we got more work to do __PUNCT__ to grow thi economi __PUNCT__ to creat more good_job __PUNCT__ to strengthen the middl_class __PUNCT__

and in __DATE__ __PUNCT__ your voic is go to matter more than ever befor __PUNCT__

becaus thi week in tampa __PUNCT__ my oppon will offer you their agenda __PUNCT__

audienc member __PUNCT__

boo __PUNCT__ the presid __PUNCT__

don't boo __PUNCT__ vote __PUNCT__

that the best respons __PUNCT__

vote __PUNCT__

and get some of your friend to vote __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ look __PUNCT__ the show in tampa i sure will be veri entertain __PUNCT__

and i sure thei have wonder thing to sai about me __PUNCT__

it will be well produc __PUNCT__ thei hire all kind of fanci tv produc __PUNCT__

the onli problem is __PUNCT__ it won't offer a path forward __PUNCT__

thei got an econom_plan that sai if you just give big tax_cut __PUNCT__ __MONEY___trillion worth __PUNCT__ mostli to wealthi folk __PUNCT__ so that __MONEY___million __PUNCT__ somebodi who make___MONEY__ __MONEY___million a year would get anoth __MONEY__ in addit tax_cut __PUNCT__ audienc member __PUNCT__

boo __PUNCT__ the presid __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ that somehow prosper will rain down on everybodi els __PUNCT__

and some of you ar a littl young to rememb thi __PUNCT__ but we tri thi for a decad __PUNCT__ it didn't work __PUNCT__

it didn't work then __PUNCT__ it won't work now __PUNCT__

i don't want to pai for anoth millionair tax cut by rais_tax on middl_class class_famili __PUNCT__ and i sure don't want to pai for a tax_cut for folk like me who don't need it __PUNCT__ or folk like governor romnei who need it even less __PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ by cut financi_aid for __NUM___million student __PUNCT__

our econom strength doesn't come from the top down __PUNCT__

it come from student and worker __PUNCT__

it come from small __PUNCT__ busi peopl and middl_class class_famili who ar out there strive and hustl __PUNCT__

becaus when thei do well __PUNCT__ everybodi doe well __PUNCT__

when thei got monei to spend __PUNCT__ busi have custom __PUNCT__

and then thei hire more worker __PUNCT__

and then those worker have more monei to spend __PUNCT__

and everybodi doe well __PUNCT__

that how you grow an economi __PUNCT__ from the middl out __PUNCT__ from the bottom up __PUNCT__

that what i fight for __PUNCT__

that why i run for a second term for presid __PUNCT__

audienc member __PUNCT__

four more year __PUNCT__ four more year __PUNCT__ four more year __PUNCT__ the presid __PUNCT__

so in just __NUM___month __PUNCT__ you go to choos the path we take __PUNCT__

and i want everybodi __PUNCT__ when you talk to friend and neighbor __PUNCT__ just explain to them what at stake __PUNCT__

tell them you can choos whether we give massiv new tax_cut to folk who alreadi made it or do we keep tax low for american who ar still try to make it __PUNCT__

i cut_tax for middl_class class_famili and for small_busi and for student __PUNCT__ and i want to make sure that tax ar not rais a singl dime on the first __MONEY__ a year incom __PUNCT__ which __PUNCT__ by the wai __PUNCT__ mean __NUM__ percent of famili and __NUM__ percent of small busi would not see a tax_increas __PUNCT__

that a choic in thi elect __PUNCT__

becaus we go to have to close the deficit __PUNCT__ and the question is ar we go to do it mr __PUNCT__ romnei wai or ar we go to do it in a balanc wai that sai __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__ we cut_spend we don't need __PUNCT__ but we also ask everybodi to do their fair_share __PUNCT__

we can choos whether we give up new job and new industri to other countri or whether we fight for those job in state like colorado and iowa and ohio __PUNCT__ by invest in the research of our scientist __PUNCT__ invest in the skill of our worker and our student __PUNCT__ in the innov that har new sourc of energi __PUNCT__ that bring about the next gener of manufactur in place like fort collin __PUNCT__

that what at stake __PUNCT__

you can make a decis as to whether we go to keep colleg afford __PUNCT__

you know __PUNCT__ governor romnei ha a suggest in term of you afford colleg __PUNCT__ he sai __PUNCT__ borrow_monei from your parent __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ my suspicion is if your parent got it __PUNCT__ thei alreadi given it to you __PUNCT__

but i don't think that the path we should be take __PUNCT__

i think we got to make sure that we help everi singl american earn the kind of educ you earn right here at colorado state __PUNCT__

let help more american go to commun_colleg to get the skill and train that employ ar look for right now __PUNCT__

you know __PUNCT__ see __PUNCT__ mayb my oppon doesn't understand __PUNCT__ but i do __PUNCT__

becaus michel and i __PUNCT__ we just finish pai off our student_loan about __NUM___year_ago __PUNCT__

we know what it like __PUNCT__

we shouldn't be make it harder __PUNCT__

we should be make it easier __PUNCT__

we shouldn't end the colleg tax_credit that we creat __PUNCT__ we should be expand it __PUNCT__

in america __PUNCT__ a higher_educ cannot be a luxuri __PUNCT__ it an econom necess that everi famili and everi young_person in america should be abl to afford __PUNCT__

that what at stake in thi elect __PUNCT__

that why i run for a second term as presid of the unit_state __PUNCT__

if your friend or neighbor ar concern about energi __PUNCT__ you tell them __PUNCT__ do we want an energi plan written by and for big_oil oil_compani __PUNCT__ audienc member __PUNCT__

no __PUNCT__ the presid __PUNCT__

or do we want an all __PUNCT__ of __PUNCT__ the __PUNCT__ abov energi strategi for america __PUNCT__ renew_sourc of energi __PUNCT__

governor romnei call them __PUNCT__ imaginari __PUNCT__

congressman ryan call them a __PUNCT__ fad __PUNCT__

i think thei the futur __PUNCT__

i think thei worth fight for __PUNCT__

thi univers get __NUM__ percent of it power __PUNCT__ soon to be __NUM__ percent __PUNCT__ from solar_energi __PUNCT__

about __NUM__ good colorado job depend on wind and solar industri __PUNCT__

it is time to stop give __MONEY___billion a year in taxpay corpor_welfar to oil_compani that ar make_monei everi time you fill up with a tank of ga __PUNCT__

and let invest that monei in homegrown energi that ha never been more promis __PUNCT__

that the futur __PUNCT__ and in america __PUNCT__ we seiz the futur __PUNCT__

it good for job __PUNCT__ it good for our economi __PUNCT__ and it good for the planet too __PUNCT__

that what at stake in thi elect __PUNCT__

ask your friend __PUNCT__ ask your neighbor __PUNCT__ should we go back to a health_insur insur_system that let insur_compani decid who and when thei want to cover __PUNCT__ audienc member __PUNCT__

no __PUNCT__ the presid __PUNCT__

so if you got a preexist condit __PUNCT__ you out of luck __PUNCT__

or should we keep move_forward with the new health_care law that alreadi cut_cost and cover more peopl and save_live __PUNCT__ at thi point __PUNCT__ the presid sneez __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ audienc member __PUNCT__

bless you __PUNCT__ the presid __PUNCT__

thank you __PUNCT__

see __PUNCT__ it give me a cold just think about what thei might do __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ governor romnei __PUNCT__ he promis that somewher in between hi first dai and __PUNCT__ i don't know __PUNCT__ the next dai __PUNCT__ he go to sit down and grab a pen __PUNCT__ and he go to elimin obamacar __PUNCT__

audienc member __PUNCT__

boo __PUNCT__ the presid __PUNCT__

thi is what call the __PUNCT__ romnei __PUNCT__ doesn't __PUNCT__ care __PUNCT__ plan __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ kick __NUM___million young_peopl off their parent plan __PUNCT__

rais prescript_drug cost for senior __PUNCT__

tell folk with prescript __PUNCT__ or with preexist condit __PUNCT__ you out of luck again __PUNCT__

i __PUNCT__ audienc member __PUNCT__

no __PUNCT__ the presid __PUNCT__

i do care __PUNCT__

and i think that all of us care __PUNCT__ becaus all of us at some point in our live might need to get health_care and we might not alwai be abl to afford it __PUNCT__ no matter how well we plan __PUNCT__ no matter how well we think we insur ourselv __PUNCT__

and when that happen __PUNCT__ i want to make sure we live in a countri where everi singl_person know that thei can get the care thei need and thei not go to have to lose their home or lose their save becaus of it __PUNCT__

we don't need to refight the battl of the past __PUNCT__

the suprem_court ha spoken __PUNCT__

we move_forward __PUNCT__

if somebodi want to help to improv our health_care_system i work with them __PUNCT__ but i not go to leav million of american out in the cold __PUNCT__

that what we fight for __PUNCT__

that what at stake in thi elect __PUNCT__

on issu after issu __PUNCT__ these gui seem to just want to go backward __PUNCT__

sometim thei want to go back __NUM___year __PUNCT__ sometim __NUM__ sometim __NUM__ sometim __NUM__ __PUNCT__

thi isn't the time to refight battl that we alreadi settl __PUNCT__

in __DATE__ __PUNCT__ you can sai that in thi centuri __PUNCT__ women should be trust to make their own health_care decis __PUNCT__

at a time when on of the biggest asset we have is the divers of our talent and our ingenu __PUNCT__ it doesn't make_sens for us to tell young_peopl who have grown up in america __PUNCT__ who have pledg_allegi to the flag __PUNCT__ who have understood themselv to be american __PUNCT__ who want to serv in our militari or attend our univers __PUNCT__ that somehow becaus their parent were undocu __PUNCT__ thei should be sent back to countri thei never even heard of __PUNCT__

that not who we ar as a peopl __PUNCT__

we not go to go back and reinstat __PUNCT__ don't ask __PUNCT__ don't tell __PUNCT__ like these other folk ar talk about __PUNCT__

we move_forward __PUNCT__

we don't need to rewrit our constitut to somehow sai that peopl who love each other and aren't bother anybodi els __PUNCT__ that somehow thei cannot get marri __PUNCT__

that not who we ar __PUNCT__

we go forward __PUNCT__

we don't go backward __PUNCT__

we don't __PUNCT__ we don't __PUNCT__ the histori of thi countri ha not been to see if we can exclud more peopl __PUNCT__

the histori of our countri ha been to gather everyon togeth __PUNCT__

if you will to work_hard __PUNCT__ if you will to act respons __PUNCT__ if you believ in that american_creed __PUNCT__ then you welcom __PUNCT__

we part of a famili __PUNCT__

and we don't believ in send peopl to the sidelin __PUNCT__

we believ that the strength of our countri __PUNCT__ the charact of thi nation come from hear everi voic __PUNCT__ from har everi talent __PUNCT__ from realiz that in america we ar greater togeth than we ar on our own __PUNCT__

and thi __DATE__ __PUNCT__ you get to decid whether that remain_true __PUNCT__

and it not just about thi countri __PUNCT__

when we think about internation __PUNCT__ america remain the on indispens nation __PUNCT__

issu of war and peac ar on where we alwai got to be at the forefront __PUNCT__

and so you get to decid the futur of the war in afghanistan __PUNCT__

governor romnei sai that me end the war wa __PUNCT__ tragic __PUNCT__

audienc member __PUNCT__

boo __PUNCT__ the presid __PUNCT__

he critic me for bring __NUM___troop troop_home from afghanistan next month __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ look __PUNCT__ i take a backseat to no on when it come to our nation_secur __PUNCT__ but i believ in make sure that we act smartli in how we deal with our nation secur __PUNCT__

i said we end the war in iraq __PUNCT__ we did __PUNCT__

i said we go after al qaida and bin_laden __PUNCT__ and we did __PUNCT__

by bring our troop_home from iraq __PUNCT__ by bring our troop home from afghanistan __PUNCT__ we go to be abl to start do some nation __PUNCT__ build here at home __PUNCT__ and that part of our nation_secur __PUNCT__

and by the wai __PUNCT__ as long as i command in chief __PUNCT__ those veteran who serv us __PUNCT__ we go to have to serv them just as well as thei serv us __PUNCT__ becaus nobodi who fought for america should have to fight for a job or a roof over their head when thei come home __PUNCT__

that what we fight for __PUNCT__

that the choic in thi elect __PUNCT__

i want to thank colorado state for be so good to our troop __PUNCT__ so good to our veteran __PUNCT__ help them earn the opportun that thei have help defend __PUNCT__

and here the bottom_line __PUNCT__ colorado __PUNCT__ if the other side ha it wai and thei pass thi __MONEY___trillion tax_cut that target toward the wealthiest american __PUNCT__ it won't creat_job __PUNCT__

it won't cut the deficit __PUNCT__

ignor inequ doesn't make it go awai __PUNCT__

deni climat chang doesn't make it stop __PUNCT__

these thing don't make our futur brighter __PUNCT__

thei won't make your futur stronger __PUNCT__

and so the ultim question is __PUNCT__ will you choos the path that actual lead to a better futur __PUNCT__ you have a chanc to prove the cynic wrong on more time __PUNCT__

and over the next __NUM___month __PUNCT__ the other side is go to spend more monei than we ever seen befor __PUNCT__

thei will throw everyth thei got and the kitchen sink __PUNCT__

thei just make stuff up if thei have to __PUNCT__ thei do it alreadi __PUNCT__

and thei will send an avalanch of attack_ad and insult __PUNCT__

thei will try to distract you __PUNCT__ and sometim __PUNCT__ how do i put thi nice __PUNCT__ thei will just fib __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ and it back by __MONEY___million check __PUNCT__

i mean __PUNCT__ thei got wealthi donor who like thing just the wai thei ar __PUNCT__

thei count on young_peopl to accept their version of the statu_quo __PUNCT__ to accept their version of the wai thing ought to be __PUNCT__ to leav the question that affect your live up to big_oil and insur_compani __PUNCT__ and a bunch of men in congress __PUNCT__

that what thei count on __PUNCT__ and so i just want all of you to understand your power __PUNCT__

don't give it awai __PUNCT__ not when you young __PUNCT__

if you go to get cynic __PUNCT__ wait till you get older __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ wait till you have a few bump and bruis __PUNCT__

but right now america is count on you __PUNCT__

and i count on you __PUNCT__

those who oppos chang __PUNCT__ those who benefit from an unjust statu_quo __PUNCT__ thei alwai bet on your cynic and complac __PUNCT__

but throughout american_histori __PUNCT__ thei have lost that bet __PUNCT__

thei go to lose that bet thi time becaus of you __PUNCT__

becaus we got a lot more work to do __PUNCT__

you go to have to regist to vote __PUNCT__

you go to have to get your friend regist to vote __PUNCT__

you go to have to drag your friend to the poll __PUNCT__

you go to have to refus to wait for the next person to do it __PUNCT__ becaus somebodi is wait on you __PUNCT__

thei wait on you to bring about thi chang __PUNCT__

thei wait for you to lead __PUNCT__

sometim __PUNCT__ your parent mai be wait on you __PUNCT__

back in __NUM___part of the wai we end up win wa becaus we had a whole bunch of young_peopl tell their parent __PUNCT__ you got to get on board __PUNCT__

it time for chang __PUNCT__

ye __PUNCT__ we can __PUNCT__

fire up __PUNCT__

readi to go __PUNCT__

and i still fire up __PUNCT__ and i still readi to go __PUNCT__ becaus we got more work to do __PUNCT__

we got more job to creat __PUNCT__

we got more school to build __PUNCT__

we got more teacher to hire __PUNCT__

we got more young peopl to send to colleg __PUNCT__

we got more troop to bring_home __PUNCT__

we got more renew_energi to gener __PUNCT__

we got more door of opportun to open to everybodi who is will to work_hard and walk through them __PUNCT__

that what at stake in thi elect __PUNCT__

and that what at stake right here in colorado becaus if we win colorado __PUNCT__ we will win thi elect __PUNCT__

if we win fort collin __PUNCT__ we will win thi elect __PUNCT__

we win fort collin __PUNCT__ and we finish what we start __PUNCT__ and we will remind the world just why it is that the unit_state of america is the greatest nation on earth __PUNCT__

god_bless you __PUNCT__ and god bless the unit_state of america __PUNCT__